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39 minutes
Oct 7, 2022
Podcast episode


ERE LONG: (archaic) before long; soon.Claire lets off some steam while Judith and Owen go antique shopping. What? Not everything is doom and gloom, only most things. Sometimes you just have to take a little walk and see what the day brings you (and sometimes that thing is... a singing fish? Am I reading this right? Ok, whatever).Featuring the voices of: Alex Nursall as JudithEmily Kellogg as ClaireIan Boddy as OwenJocelyn Dotta as LydiaChristine Ensslen as Cuddly ChristinePhil Wright as the Singing FishKristian Noel Pedersen as Henry Harlan Guthrie as The Thrifterand Jessi Petta as The SellerCONTENT WARNINGS: The occult, dolls, sex (mentioned), physical violence, blood (mentioned)Parkdale Haunt is an original podcast Created and written by Alex Nursall and Emily KelloggDirected and produced by Alex Nursall Engineering and sound design by Ian BoddyTheme music by Phil WrightRecorded at Pirate Toronto Distributed by the Rogers Frequency Podcast NetworkYou can find us on Twitter and Instagram @parkdalehauntSupport us on Patreon at merch at, transcripts, and more are available at
Oct 7, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (63)

Ever since Judith’s lifelong best friend, Claire Sterback, inherited a house from a biological family she never knew, things have begun to change. Claire has begun to change. It isn’t just that the house is full of cryptic notebooks, ominous scribblings on the wall, and has a basement that is colder than it should be. It isn’t just that Claire abruptly up and left her live-in boyfriend and is now being stalked by a psychopathic realtor. Claire is… off. As she gets closer to a secret at the heart of the old house in the Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale, she is also getting closer to losing herself. After Claire goes missing - with the help of co-worker-turned-friend-Owen - Judith vies to track her down, even if it means diving into a history that may have been better left untouched.