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2 minutes
Jul 9, 2022
Podcast episode


Clothes aren't just an outer coat, a shell. They are part of us and represent much more.How does the Cohen Gadol get inaugurated?Is a wrinkled jacket so bad?SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the Parsha!Follow us on WhatsApp to watch the Motivation Congregation Broadcast every morning!
Jul 9, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

One short inspirational dvar Torah everyday. Wake up everyday to a vort that will help you learn about yourself and motivate you to dominate your Yetzer Harah. These Torah insights are tailor made to inspire you to crush your ruchniyus goals! A Torah podcast created for all Jews and Jewish people! NEW! Watch our daily WhatsApp status! WhatsApp the word "greatness" to (757)-679-4497 to subscribe.