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SP EP29: Why You're Still A Loser


SP EP29: Why You're Still A Loser

FromThe Contractor Fight with Tom Reber


SP EP29: Why You're Still A Loser

FromThe Contractor Fight with Tom Reber

5 minutes
Oct 31, 2015
Podcast episode


Not winning financially? Still having a hard time building a solid team?
If you continue to find yourself on the losing end of business this Solocast is for you.
I share 3 reasons why you may be losing:

You’re a victim.
Not getting clear about what you want.
You don’t do the right things consistently.

Join me for a quick 4 minute episode of The Strongpreneur Nation Podcast
For more on building a strong business please check out
Subscribe to the full podcast here.
Oct 31, 2015
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Contractor Fight Podcast challenges contractors to live unafraid & motor against mediocrity. It's time to pick a fight and take back our dignity. It's time to wage war on the mindsets that hold us back from business and personal success.