001 - Baptized in Blood: On New Year's Eve 1998, a young woman with no memories wakes covered in blood in an alley in New Haven, CT. Thrust into a world of vampires, it will take everything she and her new friends have to stay alive. by Path of Night Podcastratings:
47 minutes
Oct 28, 2020
Podcast episode
Episode NotesLow on options, the coterie reaches out to allies and enemies alike to come up with some way to find the missing Prince, stop the coup by Shaw, Reis, and Arabella Rowlands, and remain one step ahead of a blood hunt. And not willing to trust in Britta's hidden instincts, Miles thinks he might have a way to unlock some of her repressed memories to find out just who she really is.Content Warning: Body horror, abuse, Vito Zantosa, cannibalism, language.Storyteller: Lex LopezBritta: Rebecca SteigelfestJohnny: Garrett GabbeyMiles: Tim DavisNeil: Rob MuirheadWynn: Erika WebbFacebook: Facebook.com/PathofNightPodcastTwitter: @PathofNightPodEmail: [email protected]
Oct 28, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 101 min listen