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Therapy for Executives and Emerging Leaders


Therapy for Executives and Emerging Leaders

FromThe Modern Therapist's Survival Guide with Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy


Therapy for Executives and Emerging Leaders

FromThe Modern Therapist's Survival Guide with Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy

78 minutes
Jul 25, 2022
Podcast episode


Therapy for Executives and Emerging Leaders Curt and Katie chat about how therapists can support leaders. We look at optimal leadership, leadership identity development, barriers for emerging leaders, challenges that executives face, and how therapists can support these leaders. We explore specific interventions and career assessment questions. This is a continuing education podcourse. Transcripts for this episode will be available at! In this podcast episode we explore how therapists can help leaders During times of turmoil - like a global pandemic, an unstable economy, and social unrest - we want to be able to rely on our leaders to help us weather the storm. We look to our employers, our legislators, and our community leaders to solve problems and remain calm. But who supports our leaders? It’s important for therapists to understand leadership and the unique challenges that leaders face, so they can help. Further, therapists must be available to provide support to emerging leaders who are coming from much more diverse backgrounds and perspectives who may need help navigating a system that doesn’t always accept them or align with their lived experiences. We talk about leader identity development and how leaders develop over time. We look at common barriers and challenges for leaders at all stages of development as well as suggested interventions to address these needs. What do therapists get wrong when working with leaders? “We may be hindering folks that we don't see as leaders based on what we know about them: either their identity and the kind of the societal bias, or based on what we know about how much they're struggling. And so, we won't be able to help these folks move into these positions of leadership and help them elevate themselves in that way.” – Katie Vernoy, LMFT Therapists don’t include career assessments and leadership assessment Understanding the interrelation between work and mental health Bias related to stereotypical leaders and not seeing leadership where it shows up outside of able-bodied, tall, white men The calm, peaceful, work-life balance versus optimal performance and ambition Cosigning on poor work behavior and overwork What is good leadership? Leadership can be taught and can be beneficial for every client Concepts of leadership as a process and a position Interdependent, collaborative Servant Leadership Transformational Leadership What does leadership identity development look like? The 6 stages of the model created by Komives, et al. Moving from identifying leaders, understanding positional leadership, then moving to more of a process and interdependent relationship How leadership identity development impacts adult clients What impacts emerging leaders? Identities, especially marginalized identities Relationships with authority figures Resources, privilege within typical leadership development opportunities during childhood and early adulthood Relational trauma, boundaries, communication Marginalized identities and stereotypes with no sure-fire way to perform acceptably Lack of safety and empowerment Career and Leadership Assessment “Oftentimes, these stereotypes [related to marginalized identities] can really hit someone, and that can get in the way of them being able to be a good leader. First off, because they're not given the positions. But it's also something where they're navigating these stereotypes and having to twist themselves into pretzels, in order to fit in that little tiny line that is between ‘too much’ and ‘too little’.” – Katie Vernoy, LMFT Career trajectory Leadership identity development stage Current employment Work/life balance Role of work in client’s life and within family system Therapists Working with Leaders Life experience that therapists can draw upon Identifying what you don’t know Understand your own work trauma and leadership development The CHAT Model (or Katie’s model: clarify, imagine, simplify, act) Our Generous Sponsors for thi
Jul 25, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Modern Therapist’s Survival Guide: Where Therapists Live, Breathe, and Practice as Human Beings It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. We are human beings who can now present ourselves as whole people, with authenticity, purpose, and connection. Especially now, when clinicians must develop a personal brand to market their private practices, and are connecting over social media, engaging in social activism, pushing back against mental health stigma, and facing a whole new style of entrepreneurship. To support you as a whole person, a business owner, and a therapist, your hosts, Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy talk about how to approach the role of therapist in the modern age.