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13 | Faith


13 | Faith



13 | Faith


48 minutes
May 26, 2021
Podcast episode


Faith in Buddhist practice and life spans a continuum from skepticism to confidence, vivid clarity, and profound longing. Lama Zopa guides an experiential practice beginning with shamatha (English: tranquility, or calm abiding) and leading into meditative inquiry, an insight practice from the Tibetan that invokes, instills, and integrates prajna, precise knowing.
00:37 Teaching by Lama Yeshe 13:44 Conversation with Lama Yeshe and Tania Israel 33:57 Song: Faith (to the tune of Faith by George Michael)), lyrics by Tania Israel, vocals by Heather Stevenson. 36:30 Guided meditation by Lama Zopa. Tibetan singing bowl interludes by Shivnee Ratna
PRAJNA SPARKS follows the lunar calendar. Look for new episodes on full moon days.
Join our Global Community for regular updates on Prajna Fire events with Yeshe and Zopa 
Join us June 12-13, 2021 for Adventures in Investigating Mind, an intensive practice weekend focusing on methods to meet, befriend, and greet our own mind, right within the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of everyday life alongside formal meditation.
Creating Sanctuary, a Prajna Rising online journal article about cultivating a habit of regular meditation.
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa offer individual spiritual counsel on formal Buddhist practice as well as innovative ways to integrate Buddhist perspective into your everyday life. Book Online at Prajna Fire with immediate confirmation (
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Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa ( Tania Israel ( Heather Stevenson ( Shivnee Ratna, Tibetan singing bowls (


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May 26, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Integrating the Dharma teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni from the perspective of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, by cultivating familiarity with prajna, or precise knowing, in progressively subtle degrees. Timely and accessible to contemporary seekers of any spiritual tradition, or none at all. Full episodes on new and full moon days. Contemplation interludes on the quarter moons. May all beings benefit! EMAIL [email protected] VISIT @prajnasparks on Facebook Instagram Twitter Lama Yeshe @karmayeshechodron Lama Zopa @karmazopajigme