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Essence of Vajrasattva [2]


Essence of Vajrasattva [2]

FromBodhiHeart Podcast with Khenpo Sherab Sangpo


Essence of Vajrasattva [2]

FromBodhiHeart Podcast with Khenpo Sherab Sangpo

72 minutes
Mar 25, 2020
Podcast episode


Khenpo Sherab Sangpo will teach how to practice Vajrasattva, the purification Buddha, whose meditation and mantra remove obstacles that prevent us from realizing the profound nature of reality as it is. Vajrasattva practice makes our innate compassion, loving-kindness, and wisdom shine brightly so we can be of benefit to all living beings. "To meditate on Vajrasattva is the same as to meditate upon all the Buddhas. His hundred-syllable mantra is the quintessence of all mantras." - Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Please visit our website to learn more about Khenpo Sherab Sangpo, his teachings and for practice texts. This episode can be seen on Youtube.
Mar 25, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

This is BodhiHeart, a podcast with in depth teachings on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism with Khenpo Sherab Sangpo. Our teacher, Khenpo Sherab Sangpo, is a monk and professor in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He trained with some of the greatest meditation masters of Tibet, starting when he was seven years old. In addition to mastering many profound teachings of the Buddhist path, he spent several years meditating in solitary retreat. He travels the world teaching at monasteries in Tibet and Nepal, as well as at meditation centers in Asia and Europe. BodhiHeart is produced by Bodhicitta Sangha | Heart of Enlightenment Institute in Minneapolis.