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The Foundations of a Healthy Home with Joachim Herrmann


The Foundations of a Healthy Home with Joachim Herrmann

FromThe Body Never Lies


The Foundations of a Healthy Home with Joachim Herrmann

FromThe Body Never Lies

114 minutes
Aug 30, 2020
Podcast episode


Now for those of you who are on my mailing list or follow me on social media, you will know that I had the very unfortunate experience of becoming ill due to exposure to mould in a house that we were living in.  So many of my followers have been asking me, can you please share more about your journey and recovery from mould illness and so I had to start with giving you guys and understanding just how toxic your home can be and have Building Biologist Joachim Herrman on the show.
While studying Biology with an emphasis on Ecology at the University of Hamburg, Joachim Herrman became fascinated with sustainable and healthy building methods and since then has been gathering information on electro pollution, toxins, mould, earth lines and Feng Shui.
Joachim started his practice in Australia in 1993, pioneering Building Biology in Australia and has since then, has been performing home consultations and solutions for people with chronic diseases.
Joachim consults with students all over the world and clients all over Australia, helping them overcome complex health issues by ensuring a healthy home.  He also works with Integrative Medicine Practitioners to support patients with environmental diseases in a holistic way and has a huge passion in working with architects and builders to get the foundations of a home right to ensure lifelong health and sustainability for his clients.
In this episode, we talk about:

What is building biology
How every confined space has an effect on your health - even your car
How bad is Wifi
Joachim helps a cancer patient reduce radiation in his home
Bluetooth Speakers
Keeping the Bedroom natural as possible
How the cause is not one thing
The dangers of baby monitors
Just because you can’t see it doesn't mean it's not there.
What can you look for in your home?
Why you can’t clean mould on the surface 
The problem with building practices in Australia
Light Pollution
Dirty Electricity
Air Pollution
It's not about changing everything
The steps to a healthier home

Please find Joachim on his website
On Facebook:
“Health at Home” book by Joachim Herrmann for privacy information.
Aug 30, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (48)

There is only one absolute in health:  the body never lies and it always keeps the score.Join Leila Lutz, Health and Performance Coach, and experts in nutrition, physiology, medicine, psychology, coaching, and training from around the world.  Together, they bring their wisdom and experience in unlocking the secrets you've always wanted to know, about what your body is telling you, and give you back the power in your own health journey.