EP 2: Why Generalist < Specialist: Our first guess is Som Sikdar--who would have known?! The dude is a ninja though. He's a 6th blackbelt, successful business owner, and can design microchips. Also, deadlifts over 400lbs. Sounds like someone who might be an... by The Pat Flynn Showratings:
20 minutes
Aug 8, 2017
Podcast episode
What are the first steps toward starting an online business? I thought it would be helpful to talk you through what I believe are essential components you need to have in place for building your online empire. As with anything, this is about basics. Because those who are successful at business are like those who are successful at fitness: They own and understand the basics. The basics of building an online business? I'll give you a hint: It starts with your email list. More in the episode. Hope you enjoy! - Pat
Aug 8, 2017
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 24 min listen