Kathryn Hart: For When It’s Been Traumatic: Listen in as your bost Blake chats with Kathryn Hart about walking through traumatic circumstances, why PTSD isn’t just for people who have been to war, & how God is good through all of it. by The Speakeasyratings:
38 minutes
Oct 6, 2021
Podcast episode
Mentor and author Ted Shimer joins Blake to talk about the devastating percentage of people who say they watch porn - from Christian college students to spouses to pastors. Ted has witnessed first-hand the destruction of pornography addictions and how it can ruin marriages, careers, and lives. Listen in as they discuss the roots of pornography, the underlying causes, and the power in vulnerability to fight against the addiction. Ted is the author of The Freedom Fight - available everywhere now! To connect with Ted: Website: thefreedomfight.org Instagram: @thefreedomfight The Crappy Christian merch shop is back! Head to etch.life/collections/crappy-christian-co to grab your favorite CCCo. sweatshirt or tee with the things we love to say most around here! Faithful Counseling offers professional mental health counseling from a Biblical perspective through online meetings & calls. Visit getfaithful.com/crappychristian for 10% off your first month and to connect with a licensed counselor today.
Oct 6, 2021
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 37 min listen