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4 minutes
May 17, 2021
Podcast episode


#SAFe is based on ten immutable, underlying #LeanAgile #principles. These tenets and economic concepts inspire and inform the #roles and #practices of #SAFe.

#1 – Take an #economicview
Delivering the ‘best #value and #quality for people and society in the shortest sustainable lead time’ requires a #fundamental understanding of the #economics of #buildingsystems. Everyday decisions must be made in a proper #economic context. This framework highlights the trade-offs between risk, #CostofDelay (#CoD), #manufacturing, #operational, and #developmentcosts.

#2 – Apply #systemsthinking
Addressing the challenges in the #workplace and the #marketplace requires an #understanding of the systems within which workers and users operate. Such systems are complex, and they consist of many interrelated components. In #SAFe, #systemsthinking is applied to the #systemunderdevelopment, as well as to the #organization that builds the system.

#3 – Assume #variability; preserve #options
#Traditionaldesign and #lifecycle #practices encourage choosing a single design-and-requirements option early in the #developmentprocess. Unfortunately, if that starting point proves to be the wrong choice, then future #adjustments take too long and can lead to a suboptimal design.

#4 – Build #incrementally with fast, #integrated learning cycles
#Developingsolutionsincrementally in a series of short #iterations allow for faster customer feedback and mitigates risk. Subsequent #increments build on the previous ones.

#5 – Base milestones on the #objective #evaluation of #workingsystems
#Businessowners, #developers, and #customers have a shared responsibility to ensure that investment in new #solutions will deliver #economicbenefit. In #LeanAgiledevelopment, #integration points provide #objective milestones at which to #evaluate the #solution throughout the #development #lifecycle.

#6 – #Visualize and limit #WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths
#Leanenterprises strive to achieve a state of continuous flow, where new system# capabilities move quickly and visibly from concept to cash.

#7 – Apply #cadence, synchronize with #crossdomainplanning
#Cadence creates predictability and provides a rhythm for #development. #Synchronization causes multiple #perspectives to be understood, resolved and integrated at the same time.

#8 – Unlock the #intrinsicmotivation of #knowledge workers
#LeanAgile leaders understand that #ideation, #innovation, and employee #engagement are not generally motivated by individual incentive compensation. Such individual incentives can create internal competition and destroy the cooperation necessary to achieve the larger aim of the system.

#9 – #Decentralizedecisionmaking
Achieving fast value delivery requires #decentralizeddecisionmaking. This reduces delays, improves #productdevelopment flow, enables faster #feedback, and creates more #innovativesolutions designed by those closest to the local knowledge.

#10 – #Organize around the #value
Many #enterprises today are #organized around principles developed during the last century. In the name of intended efficiency, most are organized around functional expertise. But in the #digitalage, the only sustainable competitive advantage is the speed with which an #organization can respond to the needs of its #customers with new and #innovativesolutions.


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May 17, 2021
Podcast episode

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Aleph Technologies is a premier IT training and staffing group with state of the art facilities based in Dallas, Texas. Aleph Technologies specializes in providing hands-on classroom based and onsite IT certification training courses taught by expert instructors with practical industry experience. Classes span focuses on Business Analysis, Health Insurance & Systems Domain, IT Project Management, and IT Services with emphasis on Certified SCRUM Master, Scaled Agile Certifications in Dallas and leadership roles in Agile development.