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Palaeontology: A Global Passion


Palaeontology: A Global Passion

FromFossil Huntress — Palaeo Sommelier


Palaeontology: A Global Passion

FromFossil Huntress — Palaeo Sommelier

7 minutes
Nov 13, 2020
Podcast episode


A warm welcome to all of you and thank you for listening to the Fossil Huntress Podcast. We've just crossed over the one month mark and I wanted to say a heartfelt thank you and introduce you to each other. It is exciting to share my passion for palaeo in wee bite-size bits with you. It is truly wonderful to know that you share my interest in rocks and fossils — and with so many great folk around the globe.
You are listening to this podcast along with paleo enthusiasts from Canada, USA, UK, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Ireland, France, Scotland, Germany, Hungary, Argentina, Venezuela, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Croatia, Japan, Trinidad and Tobago, Pakistan, New Zealand, Singapore, Czech Republic and Sweden. Whew! That's 26 countries around that globe with folk who share your love of fossils. 
Many of you are likely multilingual. I have added a TRANSLATE button to the ARCHEA Blog so you can easily read it in your language of choice.  Much of what we talk about on the podcast is also on the blog and the specific spelling of scientific names can be found here. Fossil Huntress Blog ARCHEA: 
I also gave some recommendations for some palaeo podcasts you may want to check out. I recommend both DINOSAUR GEORGE & FOSSIL BONANZA. I've popped the link here for you. Definitely worth checking out! &
Palaeocast is a great resource you may want to check out. It is a web series exploring the fossil record and the evolution of life on earth. They are at:
I'll add more as I find them. Until then, happy collecting and we'll connect again soon. 
Nov 13, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Geeky Goodness from the Fossil Huntress. If you love palaeontology, you'll love this stream. Dinosaurs, trilobites, ammonites — you'll find them all here. It's dead sexy science for your ears. Want all the links? Head on over to Fossil Huntress HQ at