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Episode 11: "Barbershop Talk" with Da'Shaun Harrison


Episode 11: "Barbershop Talk" with Da'Shaun Harrison

FromMillennials Are Killing Capitalism


Episode 11: "Barbershop Talk" with Da'Shaun Harrison

FromMillennials Are Killing Capitalism

73 minutes
Mar 6, 2018
Podcast episode


Da'Shaun Harrison is a student at Morehouse College studying Sociology and African-American Studies. He is a Black Queer organizer and abolitionist in Atlanta, GA, where he also has the privilege of serving as Editor-in-Chief of the newly-founded digital publication, Queer Black Millennial.   We talk to Da’Shaun about the time period in which he went from mainstream to more radical politics, his involvement with the first major protest against Hillary Clinton with #AUCShutItDown during the 2016 election cycle. Da’Shaun talks about his time as a sex worker, while being homeless after coming out to his family and how these experiences shaped his praxis as an organizer and a writer. Da’Shaun talks about Rainbow Capitalism and Pinkwashing in relation to Israel and the US and how the limited notions of what queer liberation looks like within mainstream lesbian and gay organizing has lead Da’Shaun to embrace a more anti-capitalist politic.   Finally we talk to Da’Shaun in-depth about his piece “The Black barbershop is both toxic and intimate for cashed Black men,” and the reactions to it.
Mar 6, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

We created this podcast in recognition that there are a number of podcasts for the American “left,” but many of them focus heavily on the organizing of social democrats, progressives, and liberal democrats. Aside from that, on the left we are always fighting a war of ideas and if we do not continue to build platforms to share those ideas and the stories of their implementation from a leftist perspective, they will continue to be ignored, misrepresented, and dismissed by the capitalist media and as a result by the general public. Our goal is to provide a platform for communists, anti-imperialists, Black Liberation movements, ancoms, left libertarians, LBGTQ activists, feminists, immigration activists, and abolitionists to discuss radical politics, radical organizing and share their visions for a better world. Our goal is to center organizers who represent and work with marginalized communities building survival programs, defense programs, political education, and counterpower. We also plan to bring in perspectives on and from the global south to highlight anti-capitalist struggles outside the imperial core. We view solidarity with decolonization, indigenous, anti-imperialist, environmentalist, socialist, and anarchist movements across the world as necessary steps toward meaningful liberation for all people. Too often within the imperial core we focus on our own struggles without taking the time to understand those fighting for freedom from beneath the empire’s thumb. It is important to highlight these struggles, learn what we can from them, offer solidarity, and support with action when we can. It is not enough to Fight For $15 an hour and Single-Payer within the core, while the US actively fights against the self-determination of the people of the global economically and militarily. We recognize that except for the extremely wealthy and privileged, our fates and struggles are intrinsically connected. We hope that our podcast becomes a meaningful platform for organizers and activists fighting for social change to connect their local movements to broader movements centered around the fight to end imperialism, capitalism, racism, discrimination based on gender identity or sexuality, sexism, and ableism. If you like our work please support us at