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Love is the Message: Trailer


Love is the Message: Trailer

FromLove is the Message: Dance, Music and Counterculture


Love is the Message: Trailer

FromLove is the Message: Dance, Music and Counterculture

4 minutes
Mar 2, 2021
Podcast episode


Welcome to Love is the Message: Dance, Music and Counterculture, a new podcast from academics, DJs and soundsystem owners Jeremy Gilbert and Tim Lawrence. Join us for a long and winding journey through David Mancuso's legendary Loft parties in NYC, via the countercultural musical expressions of acid rock, jazz, reggae, hip hop and jungle, and to the early '00s, when Tim and Jeremy started hosting their own parties. Expect political discussion, detailed analysis and deep tunes.

Be sure to subscribe to this channel to get the first episodes as soon as they're published.
Mar 2, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Love is the Message: Music, Dance & Counterculture is a new show from Tim Lawrence and Jeremy Gilbert, both of them authors, academics, DJs and dance party organisers. Tune in, Turn on and Get Down to in-depth discussion of the sonic, social and political legacies of radical movements from the 1960s to today. Starting with David Mancuso's NYC Loft parties, we’ll explore the countercultural sounds, scenes and ideas of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. ”There’s one big party going on all the time. Sometimes we get to tune into it.” The rest of the time there’s Love Is The Message.