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Islamic Governance, Caliphates and Emirates - with Iyad Hilal and Kamal Hussain


Islamic Governance, Caliphates and Emirates - with Iyad Hilal and Kamal Hussain

FromThe Thinking Muslim


Islamic Governance, Caliphates and Emirates - with Iyad Hilal and Kamal Hussain

FromThe Thinking Muslim

92 minutes
Sep 28, 2021
Podcast episode


Since the demise of the Ottoman Caliphate, the Muslim world has moved from one crisis to another. The parlous state of the ummah is now the subject of many discussions and numerous Islamic groups have attempted to find the magic formula to reverse this decline. Invariably and correctly, the subject of a return to Islamic governance has become a rallying call for many that seek to return to a place where the ummah was a leading one.
Yet recently, the rise of ISIS and the return to the Taliban government has given us two very different yet for some, very troubling models of how a shariah ruled state should run. Beyond these examples, contemporary Islamic study on the topic either negates well-known Islamic precedents found in our tradition or offers models of authoritarianism where a caliph has the control over all and is one step away from repression.
Today we have brought together two Islamic thinkers and scholars that have been working for some time on rethinking Islamic governance. Ustadh Iyad Hilal is no stranger to this show, he is an instructor at the al-Arqam Institute in California and is a regular imam and khateeb at Masajids across his state. Kamal Hussain is a lecturer and legal expert who recently delivered a paper to academics and scholars on ‘al Sultan-al Ummah’ the authority of the Ummah, he argues that this Islamic principle has been lost over time, with many theorists viewing the role of the people as no more than passive citizens in a caliphate structure.
An earlier version of this episode had some formatting errors. This has now been fixed. 
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Sep 28, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

This podcast is dedicated to exploring issues in some more depth and untangling the complexities of the world around us. We engage thinkers, academics, and scholars in conversation on a number of themes to appreciate the ideas that make up Islam as a system of thought. Follow us on And twitter @thinking_muslim Email [email protected]