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Serving Others is the Best Medicine for Yourself – Dr. Stephen Trzeciak, Bestselling Author and Chair of Medicine at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University


Serving Others is the Best Medicine for Yourself – Dr. Stephen Trzeciak, Bestselling Author and Chair of Medicine at Cooper Medical School of Rowan Un…

FromRaise the Line


Serving Others is the Best Medicine for Yourself – Dr. Stephen Trzeciak, Bestselling Author and Chair of Medicine at Cooper Medical School of Rowan Un…

FromRaise the Line

29 minutes
Jun 15, 2022
Podcast episode


After more than a decade studying resuscitation science in the ICU, Dr. Stephen Trzeciak felt himself burning out. He was skeptical of “escapist” options, like more vacations. “I thought something had to fundamentally change at the point of care,” he tells host Shiv Gaglani. Inspired by empirical studies linking human connections with increased resilience, he decided to lean into relationships with those around him and focus on service towardothers. Through his books, research, and his work as Chair of Medicine at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Dr. Trzeciak has dedicated himself ever since to spreading the word about the often-overlooked importance of human connection. Amid a worker shortage in the healthcare professions, Dr. Trzeciak hopes a renewed emphasis on the bonds that connect us all will make the system, and the people who constitute it, stronger. Tune in to hear about his new book Wonder Drug: 7 Scientifically Proven Ways that Serving Others is the Best Medicine for Yourself, how people are increasingly opting for self-care strategies that isolate them further, and why medical conversations often stay with patients and their families for the rest of their lives.Mentioned in this episode:
Jun 15, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100) explores solutions with top experts to strengthen the capacity of our healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.