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Ep 38: Hussein Khalil, Argonne National Lab


Ep 38: Hussein Khalil, Argonne National Lab

FromTitans Of Nuclear | Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy


Ep 38: Hussein Khalil, Argonne National Lab

FromTitans Of Nuclear | Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy

50 minutes
Jul 11, 2018
Podcast episode


Episode Content: Hussein's fascination with reactor physics and kinetics.   Methods used to recover detailed information of reaction rates in the core.   The definition of course information.   How reducing computational uncertainty allows you to design closer to material capability.   Time-dependent changes to chemical structures.   How predictions and data encourage the move away from light water reactors.   Moving from spent fuel to used fuel.   The implications of pyro-processing.   The Generation 4 Initiative and the future of nuclear reactors.   How to economically analyze technology options.   The importance of having a diverse system of commercially-pursued technology.   Addressing the challenge of bringing new technologies to the market.  
Jul 11, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A podcast featuring interviews with experts throughout the Nuclear Energy field, covering advanced technology, economics, policy, industry, and more.