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#206: Jobs


#206: Jobs



#206: Jobs


48 minutes
Mar 7, 2021
Podcast episode


Saving the planet isn't really about the planet at all, it's about people. People who, for instance, currently have jobs in industries that aren't compatible with a 1.5 degree world. Or people who don't have jobs at all but need them.

Which is why green campaigners are desperate for governments to invest in green jobs. These are jobs that will do some of the things that urgently need doing to curb emissions, but also jobs that do what jobs are supposed to do - give people meaningful employment and a career with prospects. Young people, particularly.

So a new report from Friends of the Earth, calling for £billions of investment in job guarantees and green apprenticeships, is surely a good thing. Inevitably, it contains an awful lot of numbers to make its case. Which gets us wondering - do numbers ever help win an argument? And how *do* we get people like that nice Mr Sunak to invest in the green jobs of the future that are so patently necessary?

Read Friends of the Earth's excellent report here.

Also this week - and talking of major investments - we reveal that anyone with a spare £6m Euros can nab themselves a handbag made of dead crocodile, all in the name of saving crocodiles.

Sustainababble is your friendly environment podcast, out weekly. Theme music by the legendary Dicky Moore – @dickymoo. Sustainababble logo by the splendid Arthur Stovell. Ecoguff read out by Arabella.

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Mar 7, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A funny podcast about the environment, sustainability, and all the total guff people talk in the name of saving the planet.