06. D.B. - Naval Flight Officer and Special Warfare Combat Support: Special Operations Forces Truth #5: Most special operations require non-SOF support How does a female Naval flight officer describe her time working with Naval Special Warfare units? “I felt like as soon as I went into Naval Special Warfare ‘Do you... by SOFcastUNLIMITED
12. CMSgt Jared 'Peaches' Pietras - USAF Combat Controller, helps answer hot topics across SOCOM
12. CMSgt Jared 'Peaches' Pietras - USAF Combat Controller, helps answer hot topics across SOCOM
76 minutes
Feb 9, 2021
Podcast episode
Do you keep your best performers closest to you or do send them the farthest away? The COVID environment has forced us into a remote, advise and assist paradigm, but is it effective? Join CMSgt Jared “Peaches” Pietras as he explains how good leaders must have a “heart to give back.” The career combat controller discusses training as always evolving and the importance of putting out current, factual training information to potential to special operations candidates.Additionally, SOCOM Command Chief Greg Smith, Green Beret SGM Matt Parrish and Pietras take shots from the field. They discuss work/life balance in the COVID environment, what makes a good officer in SOF, whether to let your best performers leave and is the SOF culture becoming risk adverse? We know you’ll enjoy hearing this conversation about these issues facing SOF.
Feb 9, 2021
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (78)
- 66 min listen