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#90 Teacher Self-Care with Dr. Woodly pt.2


#90 Teacher Self-Care with Dr. Woodly pt.2

FromTeach Me, Teacher


#90 Teacher Self-Care with Dr. Woodly pt.2

FromTeach Me, Teacher

36 minutes
Dec 10, 2018
Podcast episode


Hello everyone! Today, we are diving even deeper into teacher self-care with part two of my talk with Dr. Woodly! This is by far the MOST REQUESTED TOPIC of the show, and I’m extremely happy to bring it to you today. If you missed part 1, click here. Teachers are stressed. Overworked. Guilty for working too much. Guilty for taking time for themselves. Worried they aren’t going to survive the next week, let alone this one. What to do? What about teacher self-care? I partnered with my friend Dr. Woodly from Urban and Educating for this question, and he brings some amazing advice we all need to hear. His points on teacher self-care are real, honest, and exactly what many of us need to hear. If you’re struggling right now and need a great reflection and pick me up, this is the episode for you. If you like what you hear in this episode, be sure to pick up Dr. Woodly’s book MC Means Move the Class: How to Spark Engagement and Motivation in Urban and Culturally Diverse Classrooms. It is worth it! Enjoy! Don’t forget to subscribe and review the show on iTunes!  This episode was made possible by Stenhouse Publishers. Their commitment to publishing and producing great books and resources for teachers is truly remarkable, and it’s an honor to partner with them to support great content for the amazing teachers who listen to Teach Me, Teacher.  As mentioned in the episode, Practicing Presence is filled with ideas, exercises, checklists, personal anecdotes, and practices you can use to reframe and establish a mindset that will enhance your focus and engagement in the classroom.  When teachers care for themselves deeply and deliberately, they are better able to care for the people that matter most in their lives—their students, friends, and families. Practicing Presence focuses not on doing, but rather on being present in the life of the classroom.  Each chapter includes self-care strategies to explore how to self-regulate, nurture self-acceptance, and promote compassion. This book will give readers the feeling of having a personal coach who provides suggestions and routines so that they not only can deal with being overwhelmed, but rise above it.   Get the book now! 
Dec 10, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Designed from the ground up as a no nonsense approach to teacher development, this podcast is your gateway to bettering your craft (and having some laughs along the way). It is a show for you. To help you better your craft, learn new skills, and get ideas to fuel your own. It is a show for anyone in the field of education, and has featured teachers and administrators from all over to offer their unique perspectives on some of the most relevant and hottest topics in public schools. Teach Me, Teacher has won several "best of" awards and has featured some of the top minds in education to date.