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Episode 25 : Graveyards


Episode 25 : Graveyards

FromTell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan


Episode 25 : Graveyards

FromTell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan

39 minutes
Jul 28, 2022
Podcast episode


Eddie speaks about the macabre subject of graveyards in Ireland, and the rituals and piseogs that surround them. He explains the delicate process of burying a body, and what charms and objects may be placed in the grave, from a deck of cards to a fiddle bow. He also mentions the care required around one's behaviour in a graveyard, unless they wish to find that the next hole being dug is one intended for themselves.Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.
Jul 28, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (31)

Eddie Lenihan is Ireland’s most well known storyteller. He has been telling tales for over 35 years. Each month, Eddie will share Irish wisdom and stories from the past on the Tell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan podcast.As a cultural preservationist, Eddie has amassed the largest collection of folk stories and tales in Ireland. His dedication to the tradition has seen him collect and compile stories from all across the country, particularly those that deal with the themes of the supernatural, fairies and Irish lore.Produced and recorded by Philip Murphy and John Lillis. Music by Clare Sands. Photography by Valerie O’Sullivan.Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.