Bonus: Introducing...I Was Never There: Introducing Wonder Media Network’s first true crime show, I Was Never There. Thirty-four years ago, Marsha “Mudd” Ferber vanished without a trace from Morgantown, WV. Mother-daughter duo Karen and Jamie Zelermyer are going back to the land to figure out what the hell happened. Named a 2022 Tribeca Film Festival official selection for audio storytelling, I Was Never There is as much true crime show as it is an ode to Appalachian countercultural movements of the 1970s and 1980s. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. by The Growth LeagueUNLIMITED
Rule #21: Discomfort Is a Sign of Growth | Whitney Johnson, Disruptor Advisors
Rule #21: Discomfort Is a Sign of Growth | Whitney Johnson, Disruptor Advisors
29 minutes
May 23, 2022
Podcast episode
From music major to stock picker to CEO - Whitney Johnson has had quite the unconventional career path. But with a combination of self-advocacy and fearlessness, Whitney has become a successful author, business leader, and executive coach. In this week’s episode, she explains her method for starting new projects and how to approach those uncomfortable moments in your career.1:24 - Whitney’s transition from music major to stock picker3:14 - Advice for people making a major career change6:40 - The origin of Whitney’s advocacy for herself7:57 - Mini coaching session 15:20 - Advice on starting something new20:16 - SpeedroundHi, I’m Diana Kander and like you, I feel the call to grow. I'm a midwestern mom of two, balancing a career as a keynote speaker, and trying to leave the world a little bit better than I found it. Each week on The Growth League, I seek out the most remarkable women leaders and uncover their rules for growth. Whether you’re trying to get better at your presentation skills, get that next promotion or even do your first pullup, each episode will provide you with a New Rule for Growth to supercharge your efforts! The Growth League is more than just a podcast. It’s a community. To join this incredible community, subscribe to our newsletter and join our Facebook group full of like-minded growth-oriented leaders. To claim your exclusive offer of 40% off a Calm Premium subscription, go to CALM.COM/growth.
May 23, 2022
Podcast episode
More Episodes from The Growth League
- 28 min listen