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TMHS 581: How To Use Movement To Transform Your Health And Mindset - With Jaja Vankova


TMHS 581: How To Use Movement To Transform Your Health And Mindset - With Jaja Vankova

FromThe Model Health Show


TMHS 581: How To Use Movement To Transform Your Health And Mindset - With Jaja Vankova

FromThe Model Health Show

104 minutes
May 11, 2022
Podcast episode


Incorporating movement into your routine is one of the key tenets to cultivating a healthy lifestyle. Depending on your preferences, schedule, and capabilities, movement can look different from person to person. While one person might enjoy pumping iron in the gym, others might be better suited to hike outdoors, attend group classes, or dance. It doesn’t matter what your preferred movement type is, what matters is that you find something that works for you.   Today’s guest, Jaja Vankova is an internationally recognized dancer, choreographer, and movement coach who is passionate about teaching folks to incorporate movement and dance into their daily lives. She has starred in the film Step Up, performed in the champion team from America’s Best Dance Crew, and contributed her choreography and dance skills to numerous artists, such as Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift. Jaja is well-known in her industry for her specialty of body control.  On this episode of The Model Health Show, Jaja is facilitating an important conversation on the role movement plays in our lives. You’ll hear why movement is the beginning of life, how it impacts our mental and physical health, how movement is key to communication, and so much more. So listen in and enjoy this episode with Jaja Vankova!  In this episode you’ll discover: Why movement and dance are a universal language.  The energetic exchange that occurs while dancing.  How babies learn through movement.  The importance of taking deep, conscious breaths. How to use dancing as self-expression.  The way that music can raise vibrations.  Health benefits of fasting.  The importance of utilizing movement for internal health, and not just appearance. Why going outside can improve your energy.  What the social aspects of movement are, and why they matter. Jaja’s experiences with injuries and healing.  Specific healing modalities Jaja utilizes.  Why visualization is so powerful.  How to create a flow state.  Why Jaja’s specialty is body control.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Use code MODEL at checkout for 10% off! -- Get a FREE sample pack—just pay shipping!  The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto Connect with Jaja Vankova Website / Instagram Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript
May 11, 2022
Podcast episode

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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever.