Berakhot 27: What does it mean "until four hours" - until and not including the fourth hour or until and including? Who do we hold like regarding times for the morning prayer and for the afternoon prayer? Can one pray arvit, the nighttime prayer, on Friday... by Daf Yomi for Women - Hadranratings:
47 minutes
Nov 24, 2020
Podcast episode
Today’s daf is dedicated by Suri Stern in thanks to Hakodosh Baruch Hu. Baruch rofeh cholim! And by Yosi Zimilover in honor of Tali Zimilover "in honor of our first anniversary and Tali's continued dedication to the daf and Torah learning." And by Steven Perlin in honor of Elana Perlin "Mazal tov to my wife, Elana Perlin, on her siyum from Masechet Eruvim! I'm so proud of you! Also mazal tov to Judy Levitan - yasher co'ach on your siyum as well!" The gemara continues to raise questions and ultimately rejects their original understanding of Rav Huna that "light" means day and concludes that bedikat chametz happens on the night of the fourteenth of Nissan. Why did the mishna choose this language and not simply say "the night of the fourteenth?" The gemara explains that they wanted to use a nicer language and goes on to bring two statements - on of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and one a braita of Rabbi Yishmael regarding the importance of speaking in nicer language and not saying inappropriate words. The gemara delves more in depth into this, bringing proofs from the Tanach and also raising questions. Stories are brought to show how important it was to the sages to speak in a "clean" language.
Nov 24, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 48 min listen