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MK338: Poetic Justice for Black Andromeda (Black Lady Supreme Court Justice Nominees, Andromeda the Ethiopian Princess, Poetic Justice, Mercury Retrograde)


MK338: Poetic Justice for Black Andromeda (Black Lady Supreme Court Justice Nominees, Andromeda the Ethiopian Princess, Poetic Justice, Mercury Retrog…

FromMinority Korner


MK338: Poetic Justice for Black Andromeda (Black Lady Supreme Court Justice Nominees, Andromeda the Ethiopian Princess, Poetic Justice, Mercury Retrog…

FromMinority Korner

58 minutes
Feb 11, 2022
Podcast episode


Mercury is out of retrograde and we could not be happier about it but sometimes you have to go through bad times to get to the good ones! Here to help us jump into week 2 of Black History Month it’s Emerald Wright-Collie! We kick off our celebration with the potential Black Lady Supreme Court Justices, and speaking of justice- when’s the last time you saw Janet Jackson in Poetic JusticeI with Tupac?! In the main Korner James gives us the real tea about Andromeda the Ethiopian Princess because yes she was Black!Guest Co-Host:Emerald Wright-Collie:  IG @emeraldcollieREFERENCE LINKS: SUPREME COURT JUSTICESShortlist of Supreme Court NomineesBlack Women are Taking Control of the Narrative - CNNANDROMEDA Minority Korner on YouTube: USTwitter: @minoritykornerEmail: [email protected]: @minoritykornerHost/Producer: James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthur
Feb 11, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Are you easily confused by terms like cultural appropriation, cisgender, toxic masculinity, twunk, black girl magic, and woke? Or maybe you’re tired of explaining terms like these and you need a community that gets you! Sounds like you need MINORITY KORNER! Nnekay & James dish out your weekly serving of pop culture, social commentary, nerdy stuff, politics, empowerment, celebrity feuds, zanny anecdotes, mispronunciation of most names, and things they left out of the history books, all from a perspective that’s Black, queer, and lady like! So come learn, laugh, and play! (Part of the Maximum Fun Network)