MK EP 02: Electric Boogaloo, Back in the Habit! (Charleston Massacre, the Confederate Flag, Madonna, Big Brother 17, Juneteenth, the GOP, Janet Jackson Interludes, and James' Bday!): Electric Boogaloo, Back in the Habit! (Charleston Massacre, the Confederate Flag, Madonna, Big Brother 17, Juneteenth, the GOP, Janet Jackson Interludes, and James' Bday! by Minority KornerUNLIMITED
MK338: Poetic Justice for Black Andromeda (Black Lady Supreme Court Justice Nominees, Andromeda the Ethiopian Princess, Poetic Justice, Mercury Retrog…
FromMinority Korner
MK338: Poetic Justice for Black Andromeda (Black Lady Supreme Court Justice Nominees, Andromeda the Ethiopian Princess, Poetic Justice, Mercury Retrog…
FromMinority Korner
58 minutes
Feb 11, 2022
Podcast episode
Mercury is out of retrograde and we could not be happier about it but sometimes you have to go through bad times to get to the good ones! Here to help us jump into week 2 of Black History Month it’s Emerald Wright-Collie! We kick off our celebration with the potential Black Lady Supreme Court Justices, and speaking of justice- when’s the last time you saw Janet Jackson in Poetic JusticeI with Tupac?! In the main Korner James gives us the real tea about Andromeda the Ethiopian Princess because yes she was Black!Guest Co-Host:Emerald Wright-Collie: IG @emeraldcollieREFERENCE LINKS: SUPREME COURT JUSTICESShortlist of Supreme Court NomineesBlack Women are Taking Control of the Narrative - CNNANDROMEDAhttps://www.theroot.com/how-andromeda-the-daughter-of-ethiopian-royalty-ended-1790876123https://www.theroot.com/was-andromeda-black-1790874592 Minority Korner on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2JsXEuuCONTACT USTwitter: @minoritykornerEmail: [email protected]: @minoritykornerHost/Producer: James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthur
Feb 11, 2022
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 58 min listen