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Ep 16: Jordan Nasser interview & Giveaway


Ep 16: Jordan Nasser interview & Giveaway

FromBig Gay Fiction Podcast


Ep 16: Jordan Nasser interview & Giveaway

FromBig Gay Fiction Podcast

51 minutes
Jan 25, 2016
Podcast episode


Jeff and Will kick off the show wishing well all the listeners who endured Winter Storm Jonas over the past weekend.
Jeff honored the 20th Anniversary of the musical Rent, his favorite musical ever, which opened at New York Theatre Workshop on January 25, 1996. The guys discussed the new series on BBC America, London Spy. They also gave a shoutout to The Satyrsphere podcast, which gave BGFP a mention in its most recent episode.
Answers to last week's question of the week were read out and then Jeff and Will welcomed author Jordan Nasser to the show. Jordan talked about his debut novels, Home is a Fire and The Fire Went Wild along with what his initial foray into publishing was like and what his future plans are. Jordan asked the Question of the Week: "How do the seasons affect your reading--the amount of reading and the kinds of books you're reading?"
After the interview Jeff & Will answer that question and let listeners know that if they answer the question in the comments on the website they'll be entered into a giveaway that Jordan's sponsoring for signed paperback copies of his two books.
The Question of the Week can be answered at
*Giveaway rules: To be eligible to win the signed paperback copies of Jordan's two books you must answer the Question of the Week ("How do the seasons affect your reading--the amount of reading and the kinds of books you're reading?") in the comments section on this episode's page at Only one answer per email address. Answers must be on the website by Saturday, January 30 at 11:59pm PT. We are not responsible for any issues that may cause an answer to not appear on the website. We'll announce the winner from the random drawing on next week's episode.
Jan 25, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Big Gay Fiction Podcast is for avid readers and passionate fans of gay romance fiction. Each week we bring you exclusive author interviews, book recommendations and explore the latest in gay pop culture.