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Performing Despite the Pandemic | Cultivate Hardiness


Performing Despite the Pandemic | Cultivate Hardiness

FromBuilding Championship Mindsets


Performing Despite the Pandemic | Cultivate Hardiness

FromBuilding Championship Mindsets

19 minutes
Dec 13, 2021
Podcast episode


In this episode of Building Championship Mindsets, Dr. Amber Selking talks about cultivating hardiness. Learn how to mentally restructure your life events so you can interpret them in more adaptive ways. This will help you navigate and persist. Dr. Selking also discusses the three mental factors, also known as the Three Cs, that will help you cultivate hardiness.   About Building Championship Mindsets Welcome to “Building Championship Mindsets. | the Podcast!” From the LockerRoom to the BoardRoom, our purpose is to help individuals, teams, and organizations understand and leverage the power of Mindset and Leadership to drive results and achieve sustainable performance excellence.  Selking Performance Group serves as the Mental Performance Consultant for Head Coach Brian Kelly and the Notre Dame Football team, and does speaking and training for sports teams and business organizations around the globe. She is the Vice President of Leadership & Culture Development at Lippert Components, Inc., a publicly-traded manufacturing company whose corporate vision is to change the model of work, demonstrating that business can and should Be a Force for Good in our world. Dr. Selking has also served as an adjunct professor in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame, where she taught Strategic Human Resource Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Selking received her PhD in Applied Sport Psychology from the University of Missouri under Dr. Rick McGuire, her master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Denver, and her bachelor’s degree in Management Consulting from the University of Notre Dame. At ND, Amber played soccer for the Fighting Irish before injury ended her career, after which she founded Notre Dame Christian Athletes (NDCA) in the ND Athletic Department. She currently resides in South Bend, Indiana, with her husband, Aaron, and their Doberman Pinscher, Rockne.   Championship Mindset Training | MidWeek Mental Rep   Activate those three Cs of hardiness in your life. In those moments when you feel like quitting or when it feels insurmountable, press pause and write down those three Cs and activate a sense of control, a perspective of challenge and a desire of commitment towards who you are, what you’re doing and why you’re doing what you’re doing.     STANDOUT QUOTES “I feel like that’s a recurring theme. All these studies that we’re talking about often leads to better mental and physical health.” -Dr. Amber Selking  [05:06] “Let’s not pretend like nobody ever gets hurt and make people feel bad when they do get hurt and tell them to suck it up. That’s not what we do in sport. We send them to the training room. They have surgery. They go to the doctor. They do rehab and then guess what, they’re back at it. That’s what clinical counseling and psychology can do when we get beat up, because we need that. But how do we continue to train and wire our brains like being in the weight room as an athlete? To cultivate the elements that we know drive high performance? And hardiness is one of them.” -Dr. Amber Selking  [07:42] “When these three Cs in some combination come together of control, of challenge, of commitment, we’re able to be hardy even when it’s most difficult in our lives. ” -Dr. Amber Selking  [13:18] “Success means having the courage, the determination and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be. That person doesn’t become when things are always good and easy. Most often, that person becomes in the light of challenge, in the midst of difficulty, in a season of pain and despair.” -Dr. Amber Selking  [15:51]   Please get on iTunes to rate us and write a review for us! We are excited to complementarity share this content with our audience, and your rates and reviews will enable us to continue sharing quality content. Also, please share the podcast on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other social media that you use, so we can contin
Dec 13, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

“Building Championship Mindsets. | the Podcast” is hosted by Dr. Amber Selking, and features guests from the athletic and corporate worlds who share how they leverage the mental game to drive performance excellence. In each episode, Dr. Amber shares insights on how the brain works and coaches listeners to continue Building their Championship Mindset. Coach Lou Holtz, a friend, mentor, and colleague of Amber’s, not only proudly endorses “Building Championship Mindsets. | the Podcast” but also serves as a featured guest in upcoming seasons. Featured guests will share their experiences, applications, and performance impact of Building Championship Mindsets, and the importance of training the mind for sustainable success.