How A Single Demagogue Can Change A Democracy Forever: Americans often think of demagogues as a feature of foreign countries with weak or non-existent democracies. But is it possible to still get a demagogue in a functioning and strong democracy? by Not Another Politics Podcastratings:
26 minutes
Jan 24, 2020
Podcast episode
Do divisive primaries actually affect how candidates will perform in general elections? It's a question political scientist have been trying and failing to untangle, but we found someone who may have an answer. With the 2020 democratic primary getting into full swing, we're kicking off our inaugural episode with prof. Alexander Fouirnaies whose research gives us new insights into the effects of divisive primaries and what we can expect from the 2020 Presidential election. You can find Fouirnaies' paper about primaries here.
Jan 24, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 36 min listen