Trailer: English Learning for Curious Minds: Bored of vocabulary books, phrasal verbs, and don't want to sleep with your grammar book under your pillow? You're in the right place. Subscribe to the English Learning for Curious Minds podcasts to learn fascinating things about the world while learni by English Learning for Curious Mindsratings:
19 minutes
Mar 6, 2020
Podcast episode
What would happen if the government just gave everyone money? That's the idea of Universal Basic Income, and it's an idea that has supporters from all across the political spectrum.In today's episode we cover:
✍ History of Universal Basic Income
? Are the robots coming?
? Who should get the money?
? Who should pay for it?
? Who supports Universal Basic Income?
? Advantages of Universal Basic Income
? Disadvantages of Universal Basic Income
?? The experiment in Finland - what happens when you give 2,000 people €560 a month?
?? The experiment in Liberia - what happens when you give alcoholics and drug addicts money?
❓ Future of Universal Basic Income
Key vocabulary: Traction, Entrepreneurs, Programmers, Shareholders, Counteract, Bureaucracy, Poverty line, Corporations, Majority, Shareholdings, Spectrum, Libertarians, Pushing for, Proponent, Signature, Regardless, Neoliberal, Top-up, Extensively, Outcomes, Outspoken, Widespread, Adoption, Touched on, Dishing out, Assessing, Better off, Vehemently, Handing out, Implementing, Factor in, Welfare, Backsides, Handout, Incentive, Vicious cycle, Inflation, Get by, Vicious circle, Subsistence, Counter argument, Persuasive, Deemed, CompellingFull transcript and key vocabulary available on the website www.leonardoenglish.com/podcasts/universal-basic-incomeJoin the conversation:
Join the Learn English with Podcasts community: www.facebook.com/groups/learnenglishwithpodcasts
More about Leonardo English and the English for Curious Minds podcastLearning English shouldn't be boring. It should open your mind.English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast aimed at intermediate level English speakers and above, where listeners learn fascinating things about the world while learning English.There's no small-talk, no boring grammar exercises or vocabulary drills.You'll learn English by listening, by hearing real conversations and real English, spoken by native speakers, and at a speed you can understand.Listeners can subscribe to Leonardo English to get a copy of the transcript and key vocabulary for every podcast.It's English learning, but for curious minds.
✍ History of Universal Basic Income
? Are the robots coming?
? Who should get the money?
? Who should pay for it?
? Who supports Universal Basic Income?
? Advantages of Universal Basic Income
? Disadvantages of Universal Basic Income
?? The experiment in Finland - what happens when you give 2,000 people €560 a month?
?? The experiment in Liberia - what happens when you give alcoholics and drug addicts money?
❓ Future of Universal Basic Income
Key vocabulary: Traction, Entrepreneurs, Programmers, Shareholders, Counteract, Bureaucracy, Poverty line, Corporations, Majority, Shareholdings, Spectrum, Libertarians, Pushing for, Proponent, Signature, Regardless, Neoliberal, Top-up, Extensively, Outcomes, Outspoken, Widespread, Adoption, Touched on, Dishing out, Assessing, Better off, Vehemently, Handing out, Implementing, Factor in, Welfare, Backsides, Handout, Incentive, Vicious cycle, Inflation, Get by, Vicious circle, Subsistence, Counter argument, Persuasive, Deemed, CompellingFull transcript and key vocabulary available on the website www.leonardoenglish.com/podcasts/universal-basic-incomeJoin the conversation:
Join the Learn English with Podcasts community: www.facebook.com/groups/learnenglishwithpodcasts
More about Leonardo English and the English for Curious Minds podcastLearning English shouldn't be boring. It should open your mind.English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast aimed at intermediate level English speakers and above, where listeners learn fascinating things about the world while learning English.There's no small-talk, no boring grammar exercises or vocabulary drills.You'll learn English by listening, by hearing real conversations and real English, spoken by native speakers, and at a speed you can understand.Listeners can subscribe to Leonardo English to get a copy of the transcript and key vocabulary for every podcast.It's English learning, but for curious minds.
Mar 6, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 2 min listen