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Optimal Use of Biomarkers for Chronic Kidney Disease


Optimal Use of Biomarkers for Chronic Kidney Disease

FromClinical Chemistry Podcast


Optimal Use of Biomarkers for Chronic Kidney Disease

FromClinical Chemistry Podcast

17 minutes
Aug 23, 2019
Podcast episode


In the August 2019 issue of Clinical Chemistry, a Q&A feature titled “Optimal Use of Biomarker for Chronic Kidney Disease” asked five experts in laboratory medicine and nephrology to examine laboratory ordering, testing, and reporting practices, and recommend how those practices should be optimized to better serve patients with CKD. In this podcast, Dr. Greg Miller from the Department of Pathology at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond who moderated the Q&A will summarize the expert advice from his colleagues. 
Aug 23, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

This free monthly podcast is offered by Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry is the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today's clinical laboratory. In addition to being the most cited journal in the field, Clinical Chemistry has the highest Impact Factor (7.292 in 2019) among journals of clinical chemistry, clinical (or anatomic) pathology, analytical chemistry, and the subspecialties, such as transfusion medicine and clinical microbiology.