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80/20 RULE


80/20 RULE

FromThe Clean Living Podcast


80/20 RULE

FromThe Clean Living Podcast

5 minutes
Nov 7, 2020
Podcast episode


When it comes to clean living, there are people who are purists. They don’t stray or slip up or treat themselves every once in a while. And that’s great, kudos to them. I admire their dedication. But for most of us, it’s far more realistic to know from the beginning that we’re not going to do everything perfectly… LINK TO SHOW NOTES:
Nov 7, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (38)

What’s really in the products we use and buy every day? Is it possible to change our own health by becoming more thoughtful consumers? I’m your host Shannon Lohr and I’m an entrepreneur, mother and clean living advocate who thinks a lot about what I buy -- especially when it comes to home, food and beauty.For most people, it’s overwhelming to sift through research about parabens and sulfates when you’re just trying to make it through the day, put dinner on the table and get the kids to bed.But there is so much that we don’t know about the products we use daily. We don’t know who to trust, which ingredients to avoid, what to switch to and which companies are greenwashing a lie.With mini episodes under 10 minutes, The Clean Living Podcast explores how to live a more sustainable life without guilt, shame or overwhelm. I truly believe that taking charge of the wellness in our own homes is a huge step in changing the world.Ready to get started? Click play.Learn more at