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Avoid The Traps And Beat The Scammers - MTP243


Avoid The Traps And Beat The Scammers - MTP243

FromThe Mountain Top - Masculine Men Get Women


Avoid The Traps And Beat The Scammers - MTP243

FromThe Mountain Top - Masculine Men Get Women

40 minutes
Mar 19, 2021
Podcast episode


My guest today is world famous for being the only hacker ever to wiretap both the secret service and the FBI. These days he's a 'white hat' security expert, and he's here to disclose valuable ways you can protect yourself from cybercrime and other online scams, especially the ones so common to online dating site and app users. Now listen up, we all realize you know better than to answer a fake Amazon email with all of your personal information, so we're certainly not going to insult your intelligence. What you will hear on this show, however, is a deep dive into the newest and latest swindles recently uncovered in the online world, including the most chilling ones that have been scaring men to death--and sometimes bringing their lives to ruins--all over the world. First off, you'll find out from the master himself how utterly simple certain hacking methods can be, involving little, if any, actual computer coding skills. Why is it so many guys get scammed in ways that would be obvious to nearly everyone else? What do hackers and scammers understand about human nature that few everyday people do? What are some absolute tell-tale signs of a scam? Also discover why those who've fallen for scams before tend to be scammed again. How come those of us who've been around a while start seeing the same exact scams from years ago resurfacing? And yes, we'll describe the most insidious current scams in detail, along with how to avoid getting caught up in the trap. If you want the 'real deal' in a world of tricks and games, that means getting a high quality woman into your life. Check all the details on how to make that your reality sooner than later at === HELP US SEND THE MESSAGE TO GREAT MEN EVERYWHERE === We'll keep the solid, actionable content coming...all for free. If you love what you hear, please give us a 'thumbs up' by rating the show (takes one second) and leaving us a review. As we say here in Texas, we appreciate you!
Mar 19, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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