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Bonus Show: Luke's interview on The Mind Your Business Podcast


Bonus Show: Luke's interview on The Mind Your Business Podcast

FromThe Life Stylist


Bonus Show: Luke's interview on The Mind Your Business Podcast

FromThe Life Stylist

91 minutes
Nov 15, 2020
Podcast episode


James Wedmore recently invited me onto his podcast, The Mind Your Business Podcast, as part of his Health Week coverage. Our conversation focuses on what we can do to protect our mind, body, and souls against our era’s biggest unseen health threats. This episode isn’t about fear mongering or trying to scare anyone, but empowering and educating you on these important (but often not talked about) topics.   We discuss: How my life has changed since adopting certain principles My perspective on “karma” Some tools and products we can use to be smart and safe right now: Somavedic & Blushield Steps you can take to improve EMF levels in your home A common myth people believe about radiation Why the topics on this podcast tend to be polarizing The “self-built zoo” we’ve put ourselves in as humans, and how we can start getting back into alignment with nature My true purpose in life and business   JOIN MY NEW ONLINE EMF HOME SAFETY MASTERCLASS! Visit to join. Only $149! Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?  Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities? Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated? EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to. In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF. By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies. Visit to join. Only $149!   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? You’ll really love Luke’s Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals   Resources The Mind Your Business Podcast Somavedic Blushield
Nov 15, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

For people who are dedicated to living life at the highest level of human potential... Our host Luke Storey brings you the most thought-provoking interviews with the biggest experts in the fields of health, spirituality, and personal development. Past guests have included relationship guru John Gray, natural living expert Daniel Vitalis, biohacking super-genius Dr. Jack Kruse, and fitness master Ben Greenfield. The show covers an ever-expanding range of topics including sex and relationships, yoga, meditation, smart drugs, health myths and medical conspiracies, spirituality, mindfulness, health food and supplementation, herbs and alternative medicine, and digs deep into biohacking technologies and tactics.