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TM 897 Vessel Of Light


TM 897 Vessel Of Light

FromTalking Metal


TM 897 Vessel Of Light

FromTalking Metal

52 minutes
Nov 4, 2020
Podcast episode


Dan Lorenzo and Nathan Opposition of Vessel of Light talk with Mark Strigl about the new album Last Ride. Other topics include their religions, Ghost, The Cursed, when live concerts will return, the band Ghost, the It's All About the Riff documentary and much more.Dan Lorenzo on InstagramVessel of Light on InstagramSupport the show and protect your health by purchasing a Talking Metal face mask. $18 (US) $23 (Canada and Europe) - - be sure to include your address.Follow Mark Strigl on Twitter at these accounts: @talkingmetal & @striglFollow Mark Strigl on Instagram.Get bonus content and support Mark Strigl on Patreon: link through us to make a purchase on Amazon. Support Talking Metal Through Amazon US            Support Talking Metal Through Amazon Canada Support Talking Rock Through Amazon UK
Nov 4, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

One of iTunes' longest running podcasts. Since 2005. Produced by Mark Strigl.