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"Surround yourself with people who believe in you" - Solo Swimmer Kim Chambers


"Surround yourself with people who believe in you" - Solo Swimmer Kim Chambers

FromInflection Point with Lauren Schiller


"Surround yourself with people who believe in you" - Solo Swimmer Kim Chambers

FromInflection Point with Lauren Schiller

52 minutes
Apr 15, 2020
Podcast episode


Marathon Swimming Hall of Famer Kim Chambers is only the sixth person ever to complete the Ocean’s Seven challenge... solo. That's seven open water channel swims. Think summiting Mount Everest in a bathing suit x 7... hours upon hours upon hours of swimming in critter-filled, often quite cold water. Kim is also the first and only woman in the world to solo swim the 30 miles of shark inhabited waters from the Farallon islands to the golden gate of San Francisco. We spoke at the kickoff of Women’s History Month at The Battery in San Francisco (right before everything shut down!) about taking risks, jellyfish and body image--as well as how important having a team who believes in you is for "individual" success.

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Apr 15, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller is about how women rise up, social change and the quest for equality, featuring in-depth conversations with women taking charge and leading change. Every episode offers stories, inspiration and actions you can apply to your own life. Take action with our Toolkit episodes and uncover hidden sexism with our Feminist Detective segments. From KALW 91.7FM in San Francisco and PRX.