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Leveraging Your Value Ladder to Create High Converting Funnels w/ Joel Luis


Leveraging Your Value Ladder to Create High Converting Funnels w/ Joel Luis

FromGrowth Experts with Dennis Brown


Leveraging Your Value Ladder to Create High Converting Funnels w/ Joel Luis

FromGrowth Experts with Dennis Brown

31 minutes
Mar 12, 2020
Podcast episode


Joel Luis is the CEO of Integrator Co. which is a digital marketing agency that helps businesses create high converting funnels. He is also a podcast host which is his "Startup Dad Revolution Podcast" During this interview we discuss: 1:56 - Joel shares why he became an entrepreneur how it led him to becoming a funnel expert. 4:01 - He shares the one business superpower he wishes he had. 5:47 - Joel's shares his #1 strategy for getting new clients 7:47 - We talked about what a value ladder is and how to leverage it to increase sales. 11:00 - He then explains the 3 different types of conversion funnels he builds.  18:19 - How the ascension funnel differ from any funnels and why is it important. 25:20 - We talk about how to build out your very own value ladder. 27:52 - Joel shares one of his favorite growth tool/software. 29:33 - He recommended one of his favorite book to us. Joel's Website: Startup Dad Revolution FB Page --------------------- If you enjoyed this episode, please RATE / REVIEW and SUBSCRIBE to ensure you never miss an episode. Connect with Dennis Brown LinkedIn Twitter Instagram [Free Giveaways]
Mar 12, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Growth Experts podcast shares proven growth strategies, tactics, and tools from real growth experts and entrepreneurs. You will hear from top CEO's, entrepreneurs and marketers as I uncover tips and strategies that many of them have never shared before. My goal is to dig deep to find out exactly how they did it. Growth hacking, growth marketing, growth agencies, social media, digital marketing, SEO, social selling, LinkedIn marketing, Facebook and Instagram are just a few of the growth hacks and growth strategies we will be discuss and dissecting during the show. It's the perfect combination of inspiration and tactical growth strategies. During the show, I will also share my personal highs and lows as well as what's working or NOT working for me as an entrepreneur. Get ready for a fun ride...I know I am!