When Potty Training is a Struggle | Ep. 20: So you tried all the juice boxes, sticker charts, boot camps, and Pinterest parenting articles and your child still isn't potty trained? Well, you're not alone. While potty training is easy for some, for others, it can mean weeks, months or dare I... by Risen MotherhoodUNLIMITED
When Motherhood Feels Lonely: Nurturing Friendship in Motherhood | Ep. 156
FromRisen Motherhood
When Motherhood Feels Lonely: Nurturing Friendship in Motherhood | Ep. 156
FromRisen Motherhood
15 minutes
Mar 11, 2020
Podcast episode
On one hand, we may feel like we’re never alone as moms—even going to the bathroom often becomes a family activity! On the other hand, motherhood can feel lonely and isolating. Caring for our families often leaves little time and energy for nurturing our friendships. But we’re not meant to live in isolation—we need friends who point us to Christ and encourage us in our mission! In this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share their thoughts on navigating friendship in the busyness of motherhood. Though we may need to adjust our expectations and find creative ways to connect, we can still have meaningful friendships in the midst of motherhood. We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Get Jen Oshman's new book, Enough about Me: Finding Lasting Joy in the Age of Self, 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through April 10, 2020. View Transcript Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Mar 11, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 18 min listen