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The Sibylline Oracles


The Sibylline Oracles

FromThe Hermetic Hour


The Sibylline Oracles

FromThe Hermetic Hour

53 minutes
Aug 16, 2019
Podcast episode


On Thursday August 15th,2019 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the ancient "Sibylline Oracles" created, or re-created,in Greco-Roman Alexandria in the first centuries of the common era.These prophetic verses, attributed to the Sibyls, or prophetic priestesses of ancient Greece were actually a hoax, written by Jewish and Christian Gnostics in an attempt to recast the legendary lost prophetic books of ancient Rome to include the Bible and predict Christianity. They were so successful and popular that the early Christian Church approved of them. They were accepted into the Hermetic tradition, along with The Orphic Hymns and the Chaldean Oracles.They became an influence on western magick and Fairy lore. We will refer to Jake Stratton-Kent's summary of the Oracles in "Geosophia" (2010) and Milton Terry's translation 1899. So, if you want to catch up on this often forgotten aspect of western magical lore, tune in and we'll lift the veil.

Aug 16, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. "Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!" ~ Lon Milo DuQuette