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Tom Hopkins - Master the Art of overcoming OBJECTIONS with vocabulary


Tom Hopkins - Master the Art of overcoming OBJECTIONS with vocabulary

FromPath to Sales Mastery


Tom Hopkins - Master the Art of overcoming OBJECTIONS with vocabulary

FromPath to Sales Mastery

38 minutes
Jan 19, 2017
Podcast episode


Tom Hopkins, Sales Trainer at Tom Hopkins International, Inc. Sales Trainer and author of many sales books including How to Master the Art of Selling. Author of over 19 Books including Mastering the Art of Selling Real Estate "Your income is in direct proportion to what you are saying" Tom "The key to selling is to take an amount of money and through your words get them to rationalize spending the money." Brain Tracy STEPS To Communication Success in Sales     • Mirror and Match your prospect • Stall objections • Do not say NO to objections • Become and actor or actress • Study Vocabulary • Find mentors • Become a student of Selling MASTER THE ART OF OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS WITH THE 4 STEPS Check out another recent episode - Chris Voss, Author, Past FBI hostage negotiator, Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business and Marshall School of Business at University of Southern California teaching negotiation in both MBA programs. About Tom Hopkins: Tom Hopkins wasn’t born to wealth and privilege. He was a mediocre student and began his work life in construction carrying steel. At the age of 19, he was married with a child on the way and trying to find a better way to support his young family. Since he wasn’t afraid of meeting new people and was known to be somewhat talkative someone suggested he try selling. After looking around at the people who were dressed well and driving new cars, he decided on the field of real estate. At the time, real estate was considered an old man’s profession. There weren’t many women in the field and certainly no teenagers. It took Tom several tries to pass his licensing exam, but he eventually succeeded. The next hurdle was to find someone to hire him. Visiting real estate offices around town on his way home from his construction job, Tom quickly learned the negative impact of the first impressions he was making. This podcast is also brought to you by the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers. I have used them for years to create some amazing designs. When your business needs a logo, website design, business card, or anything you can imagine, check out 99Designs.
Jan 19, 2017
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

David I Hill - Path to Mastery Real Estate and Personal Development Show! This podcast features weekly authentic, inspiring and fun interviews with top salespeople, entrepreneurs, industry experts, authors, business coaches, life coaches, sales trainers and very cool humans like Gary Vaynerchuk, Chris Voss, Jon Acuff, Chris Widener, Jairek Robbins, Brian Tracy, Mel Robbins, Grant Cardone, Russell Brunson and John Lee Dumas who are doing big things! We get to know the real person, what makes them tick, why they do what they do, what makes them successful in their mind, what keeps them up at night and what they do to keep moving forward when times get tough. We share strategies and ideas from my book "The Sales Playbook." The vision is that every time you listen to an interview you leave with a tool, a tip, an idea or strategy that will lead to better sales skills, better quality of life and towards abundance. Enjoy your journey on the Path to Mastery!