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Regulating The Emotional Brain


Regulating The Emotional Brain

FromMindful Recovery


Regulating The Emotional Brain

FromMindful Recovery

21 minutes
Feb 14, 2016
Podcast episode


Often with Trauma and Addiction we can get quickly triggered and suddenly we are craving or we are back in a situation that generated trauma for us in our lives and it’s as if we are actually back there again re-experiencing everything in real time.  How does that happen?  Why does our brain throw us back to that place and why does it feel so real that we become anxious and panicked?  Today we look at the way the brain reacts to trauma and how the part of the brain responsible for protecting us shuts down our rational decision making processes creating anxiety and even panic states.  We also discover that it is possible to reverse this process.  By controlling our bodies we can slow down our heartrate and allow that rational part of the brain to re-engage for us.  We will go through an exercise designed to lower our day to day stress levels and look at how using the breathing exercise from last week can bring us back to a more regulated state where we can begin deciding with our wise mind how we want to be in the world.
Feb 14, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (39)

Mindful Recovery is a podcast devoted to helping individuals who are struggling with trauma and addictions recover. Mindfulness is a research based method for dealing with anxiety and trauma. Psychological and neuroscience studies have found that it is possible to increase the growth of neuronal pathways and retrain our brains in coping with these issues. Basic techniques like learning to pay attention to our own breathing and looking honestly and non-judgmentally at our hurt places can begin to create an emotional holding space that allows us to live without reacting to the pain and begin deciding how we want to act on the world we find ourselves in. This becomes the beginning of recovery and, thus, the beginning of a new and abundant life in recovery. Whether you struggle with anxiety, mental illness, complex trauma, PTSD, addictions or a multitude of other problems, becoming mindful in the way you live is the first step along that path. I would be honored if this podcast could help you begin that journey.