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OCCULTURE 36: Carmen Di Luccio // Astrology, Cryptocurrency & Nutritional Alchemy


OCCULTURE 36: Carmen Di Luccio // Astrology, Cryptocurrency & Nutritional Alchemy

FromLiber Ohio


OCCULTURE 36: Carmen Di Luccio // Astrology, Cryptocurrency & Nutritional Alchemy

FromLiber Ohio

78 minutes
Aug 5, 2017
Podcast episode


We’re grooving to the beat of that celestial drum with Carmen Di Luccio, the astrologer-in-residence at the website Collective Evolution. Carmen has sort of become my personal astrologer. Been helping me with some astrological business here and there. I also refer to him in my head as the Fabio of the Zodiac, because he looks a little like Fabio. Or maybe a lot. Or maybe not at all. I don’t fucking know. What I do know, however, is that we’re talking the astrology of the Great American Eclipse, coming up on August 21, and how that will affect us as individuals and as a group. Also some outer planet retrogrades, and some cryptocurrency, including what may be in store for Bitcoin and what may be its biggest competitor, Ethereum. We also get into some talk on superfoods and nutritional alchemy and how you could possibly use astrology to improve your health. So, some speculation paired with some practicality. My favorite sort of conversation. Maybe it’ll be yours too. Only one way to find out, and that’s by casting this pod off into the houses that the gods built. RESOURCES Carmen’s website Carmen’s Instagram Carmen’s articles on Collective Evolution Great American Eclipse E3Live All-Organic Superfood   SUPPORT Podcasting costs money. Website maintenance, storage space, equipment, late night organic juice runs when we're up all night editing. Help us offset some of that cost by supporting the show monthly. This will also help us increase our storage space so we can provide longer episodes and more of them. Leave your name in a note and you and your support level will be recognized on air. We have seven levels of monthly support: Initiate - $1.11 Astrologer - $3.33 Magician - $5.55 Alchemist - $7.77 Adept - $9.99 Shaman - $11.11 Ascended Master - $13.13 Don't want to support the show monthly? No sweat. You can make a one-time donation in an amount of your choosing.   MUSIC Vestron Vulture - “I Want to be a Robot (Tribute to Giorgio Moroder)”   SOCIAL   DISCLAIMER This podcast is produced in the Kingdom of Ohio and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International:   REMINDER love yourself // think for yourself // question authority
Aug 5, 2017
Podcast episode

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