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Ep 2: Are You Lonely?


Ep 2: Are You Lonely?

From10 Things To Tell You


Ep 2: Are You Lonely?

From10 Things To Tell You

21 minutes
Feb 5, 2019
Podcast episode


This episode is for you if you've ever felt lonely. Which means this episode is for everyone.    Loneliness feels like one of the great taboo topics of adulthood. But all around me, I see and hear people whispering that they’re profoundly lonely. In this episode I’m going to tell you about a time in my life when I was really lonely, and the two things I did that turned it around for me.    The prompt for this week:   Are you lonely?   Or    When were you lonely?   Take your thoughts to your journal, to a friend, or to social media using the hashtag #10ThingsToTellYou.   Make sure and follow @10ThingsToTellYou on facebook and Instagram.   You can sign up for episode emails and see the full show notes here. 
Feb 5, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Laura Tremaine has 10 Things To Tell You. And YOU have 10 Things To Tell. This is a show about sharing your stuff. Each episode asks a question, and you can take that prompt to your journal, to your best friend, or to social media. Let's dig deeper.