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Feb. 3, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk): "From The Commission on Decision: Sterilization, Toxic Food, Cancers, We're Damned, Guilty of Living in this Future Already Planned." *Title and Dialogue Copyrighted


Feb. 3, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk): "From The Commission on Decision: Sterilization, Toxic Food,…

FromCutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)


Feb. 3, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk): "From The Commission on Decision: Sterilization, Toxic Food,…

FromCutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)

64 minutes
Feb 3, 2019
Podcast episode


--{ "From The Commission on Decision: Sterilization, Toxic Food, Cancers, We're Damned, Guilty of Living in this Future Already Planned." © Alan Watt }--
Weather - People don't Want to Talk about Hard Times - Inflation - Banks, Plunder Sprees - Alan Greenspan - It's Normal to Be Robbed at
Least Twice a Century by the Banks - Lord Rothschild on the System - Lord Milner - H.G. Wells, The Need to Get World Wars Going - World
War I, the War to End All Wars - Federal Reserve Monopoly of Banks - WWI was to Get Nations to Give Up their Sovereignty - Rationing -
The Great Depression - British Government Seizure of Farms During WWII - Compound Interest - The Power of Money would do the Job that
Armies Once Did - Prime Minister Chretien - Oh, Canada - Club of Rome, Democracy is Inadequate - Why Would You Vote? - People Fall for
Slogans - Winston Churchill had Rooms Full of Toy Soldiers - Dardanelles - Staggering Loss of Life in WWI - Fabian Society, RIIA - Cecil
Rhodes said Round Table Society was Based on the Jesuit Type of Organization - Politics is an Emotive Show for the Public - Victimhood;
Who is Allowed to Hate and Who isn't - The Art of Ruling People - Machiavelli - Everyone is Monitored - At One Time, People Fought for
their Privacy - British Class System - Trained that All the Cancer is Normal - Pesticides - Food Industry Run by a Cartel - Causes of
Cancer - Viruses - The Huxleys were Part of the Scientific Elite; Intergenerational Managers - Overpopulation - Training Obedient
Citizens - Sterilization - Eugenics - After WWII, H.G. Wells said Another World War would be Needed - War Strategy, Global Warming,
Control of Food - Lord Bertrand Russell Helped Design Culture We Live in; Macy Group - B. Russell wrote The Impact of Science on
Society - Diet, Injections (Vaccines) and Injunctions - Russell Worked for MI5 During WWII, and Worked with George Orwell In and Out
of the BBC - Arthur Koestler - H.G. Wells wrote about The World Brain - Creation of Artificial Wombs - Polar Vortex - MIT Scientists
said Global Warming Consensus was Determined Before Research had Begun - The Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan - Lancet, EAT, Doctors
Demand Total Control of Global Food Distribution - The Expert-Controlled Society - Wikileaks Vault 7 - Family Watched through Hacked
Nest Security Cameras - Facebook Facial Recognition - Toyota Introduces Amazon Alexa for 2019 - Toyota's Guardian to Help Humans -
YouTube Changes Recommendation Algorithms Not to Direct to Conspiracy Videos - Thought Police - Cannabis Use and Risk of Opioid Use
Disorder - Catholics want Cuomo Excommunicated because of New York Abortion Bill - Vermont's Unlimited Abortions Bill - Six Tanzanian
Children Killed 'for Body Parts'.
*Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 3, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)
Feb 3, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Alan Watt gives you Both an Historical and Futuristic Tour on who runs society, gives you your thoughts, trends, your entire reality - through media, entertainment and 'education'. This is a controlled global society, planned long ago by an elite group working intergenerationally. Listen to its goals, its history, Working Groups and Techniques.