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OTSH 013: Reviewing the Research: Handwriting


OTSH 013: Reviewing the Research: Handwriting

FromThe OT Schoolhouse Podcast for School-Based OT Practitioners


OTSH 013: Reviewing the Research: Handwriting

FromThe OT Schoolhouse Podcast for School-Based OT Practitioners

36 minutes
Sep 4, 2018
Podcast episode


Do you run a handwriting group? Do you use a specific program? In this episode, Jayson is diving into the recent literature on handwriting to help you with your decision making when it comes to supporting your students' handwriting goals. We'll discuss everything from which programs work in what setting, to who can benefit from handwriting instruction and more. Specifically, we will be looking at 4 articles that support the instruction of handwriting in the classroom through a collaborative approach. Be sure to check out the articles in addition to listening to the article; they are cited in the show notes! 
Sep 4, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Jayson Davies, OTR/L, from the OT School House Website dives into the areas of school-based Occupational Therapy most frequently discussed by therapists. Join Jayson and special guests to explore new practice strategies and earn professional development for certification renewal!