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Episode 33 - Census, Blogs, Silhouettes, Gadgets, oh my!


Episode 33 - Census, Blogs, Silhouettes, Gadgets, oh my!

FromThe Genealogy Gems Podcast with Lisa Louise Cooke - Your Family History Show


Episode 33 - Census, Blogs, Silhouettes, Gadgets, oh my!

FromThe Genealogy Gems Podcast with Lisa Louise Cooke - Your Family History Show

40 minutes
Nov 11, 2007
Podcast episode


Published Nov 11, 2007 Episode 33 Show Notes The New Genealogy Gems News Blog Newsletter: Subscribe to the free monthly Genealogy Gems email newsletter iGoogle: Update: iGoogle has been discontinued Upcoming Conference Appearance: FamilySearch and My Ancestors Found have just announced that they are co-sponsoring the Family History EXPO at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George UT on Feb. 8 & 9 2008.  I'm very excited to let you know that I'll be teaching a class on how to use Google for your family history research.  GEM:  This old dog learned a new trick or how I got in touch with my own podcast:Update: iGoogle has been discontinued. The easiest way to subscribe and listen to all the past and new podcast episodes is now through the Genealogy Gems app GEM:  Google Gadget for American Memory: Although iGoogle has been discontinued,  the American Memory Project is still thriving and can be visited at  GEM:  Genealogy Podfading:I really appreciate your partnering with me to keep the Genealogy Gems Podcast from podfading as so many others have done.  Christmas is a great time to lend your support.  Our sponsors are established, trusted and secure, and your information is ALWAYS private.  Thank you friends! GEM:  Silhouettes by Kathryn Flocken: Here's another little blast from the past gem in Episode 6.  I got an email from Kathryn recently which included a really neat short video about the silhouette work that she does: Video: Kathryn Flockens Paper Portraits webpage Silhouette of genealogy podcaster Lisa Louise Cooke by Kathryn Flocken GEM:  History of the Census and Its Samples:There are 2 areas to explore:  Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses from 1790-2000It contains a record of all census questions, enumerators instructions, and brief histories of every census. And... Histories of Enumeration Procedures for Each Census: The procedural histories provide detailed information on the collection and processing of each item on the questionnaire. You will learn how enumerators were selected, how they were trained and supervised, and how the public was prepared for the census takerâs visit. I hope you're busily working on your Family History Christmas Wreath from episode 32.  There are 4 videos there on the website to walk you through how to do that.  Have fun!
Nov 11, 2007
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Genealogy Gems Podcast shows you, the family historian, how to make the most out of your family history research time by providing quick and easy to use research techniques. In addition, you will learn creative ways to share your family tree and the legacy of your ancestors. Lisa Louise Cooke guides you through the exhilarating process of discovering your family tree. She scours the family history landscape to find and bring you the best websites, best practices, and best resources available. And Lisa’s interviews with the experts in the field of genealogy make the Genealogy Gems Podcast your own personal genealogy conference. Guests include genealogists such as Dick Eastman, DearMYRTLE, Curt Witcher, Arlene Eakle, and the folks from, as well as celebrities such as Tukufu Zuberi of The History Detectives, Kathy Lennon of the Lennon Sisters, Tim Russell of Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion, the band Venice, and Darby Hinton of the Daniel Boone TV series from the 1960s. Your family history is world history.