Seniors Deserve a Raise! Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL): Rep. Alan Grayson Introduces Seniors Have Eyes, Ears and Teeth Bill (HR3308) by Medicare Nationratings:
28 minutes
May 20, 2016
Podcast episode
Welcome Medicare Nation! I interviewed clinicians and global experts in the bone health field gathered during the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis held in Miami, Florida from May 12 to 15, 2016. May is the National Osteoporosis Awareness Month. Clinicians and Academicians Joined the National Osteoporosis Foundation to Identify Solutions for Reducing the Two Million Broken Bones Caused by Osteoporosis Each Year. This conference was sponsored by the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), the organization dedicated to preventing osteoporosis, promoting strong bones, and reducing human suffering through education, advocacy, and research. NOF is committed to promoting bone health among the elderly through healthy diet and safe exercise. Both can help stop the loss of bone mass and help prevent fractures. Leading medical and scientific experts in the bone health field discussed the latest information on preventing broken bones and lead in-depth educational sessions on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. I met brilliant doctors, nurses, and therapists from all over the world and learned about: Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis Education for prevention of people at risk There are 54 million Americans who suffer from osteoporosis To address this significant care gap, the ISO 2016 included training on preventive care model that operates under the supervision of a bone health specialist and seeks to prevent repeat fractures. The Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) Model of Care Training Course is designed to help doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered nurses and other healthcare professionals improve the care management of post-fracture patients and navigate the complicated coordination of care process across hospitals, medical offices and multiple medical specialties through the application of best practices. The FLS model of care is the key to sparing millions of American from breaking bones due to osteoporosis. This 2016 ISO includes updated FLS training, and the introduction of Bone Health ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), a strategy of telementoring FLS coordinators and healthcare professionals of all levels, with the aim of reducing the osteoporosis treatment gap said E. Michael Lewiecki, MD, FACP, FACE, New Mexico Clinical Research & Osteoporosis Center, Co-Chair ISO Planning Committee 2016. If you are over 50 and have hip or back fracture, then you have osteoporosis. Secondary fractures can occur, too. Every year, osteoporosis is responsible for two million broken bones, yet fewer than 25 percent of older women and men who suffer from a fracture are tested or treated for osteoporosis. So many things can happen, secondary fracture, pneumonia, You can find the best information about osteoporosis from www.nof.org National Osteoporosis Foundation. Listen to the first part of a 2-part interview. Learn about food for the bones, calcium-enriched diet, safe exercises for the elderly. We are on iTunes, and Google Play. Please tell your friends about medicare nation, and the 3 other shows I have. You shouldn’t be breaking your hip or back. If you get fractured, you have osteoporosis. Susan Randall Osteoporosis is the condition where the bone is weakened and impaired and more prone to rapture. Causes of osteoporosis include: aging and decline in estrogen and testosterone Women and men both have the same hormones. Both lose these key hormones as we age These hormones influence other bodily functions. As the hormones decline, bone strength and quality are affected Treatment for breast cancer put on a class of medications that are aromataste inhibitor Primary and secondary causes of osteoporosis. It’s multifactorial 2. Dr. Sanjeev Arora Dr. Arora, MD, is the Keynote speaker , head of Project ECHO and Improving Health in Underserved Populations through Technology; He is from the University of New Mexico;
May 20, 2016
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 24 min listen