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Dan Buettner on What Makes Blue Zones the Healthiest Places on Earth


Dan Buettner on What Makes Blue Zones the Healthiest Places on Earth

FromThe Dr. Hyman Show


Dan Buettner on What Makes Blue Zones the Healthiest Places on Earth

FromThe Dr. Hyman Show

57 minutes
Jun 20, 2018
Podcast episode


Dan Buettner is a National Geographic fellow, in charge of leading expeditions - he’s essentially a real life Indiana Jones. Having him on my podcast meant we got to discuss all the incredible places he has been and how it has led to his work on Blue Zones, a term he’s coined to designate the healthiest places on earth. Through research and study, Dan and his team were able to identify the 9 commonalities between all the Blue Zones - and those 9 things might surprise you. Tune into this brand new episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy for more!Also, it would be mean so much to me if you left a review - for whatever reason, those go a very long way, and they mean a lot to us. They also help more people find this podcast, so please consider writing one up!For more great content, find me
Jun 20, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

We are seeing an ever-increasing burden of chronic disease, primarily driven by our food and food system. This is perpetuated by agricultural, food and health care policies that don’t support health. We need to rethink disease and reimagine a food system and a health care system the protects health, unburdens the economy from the weight of obesity and chronic disease, protects the environment, helps reverse climate change and creates a nation of healthy children and citizens. This podcast is a place for deep conversations about the critical issues of our time in the space of health, wellness, food and politics. New episodes are released every Wednesday morning. I hope you'll join me. See for privacy and opt-out information.