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So You Got Blindsided...


So You Got Blindsided...

FromGirls Gotta Eat


So You Got Blindsided...

FromGirls Gotta Eat

59 minutes
Oct 1, 2018
Podcast episode


Out-of-the-blue breakups, ghosting, exes resurfacing just to disappear again -- we discuss the situations that leave you wondering WHAT THE FUCK?, and how to work through them. What is closure exactly? Do you really need it? And how can you get it? We also chat about a bet Rayna won and Ashley's recent dating hellscape, make some special announcements, and play new themed rounds of Fuck, Marry, Kill. Enjoy! Follow Girls Gotta Eat on Instagram @GirlsGottaEatPodcast, subscribe/rate/review, and check our website for merchandise and upcoming live shows. 
Oct 1, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Why do guys just want to f*ck you once then stalk your Instagram forever? Should you ditch the apps and meet people in the wild? How do you get over a breakup when you feel like you're gonna die? These are all topics discussed on Girls Gotta Eat -- a comedy podcast about dating, sex, and relationships co-hosted by Ashley Hesseltine and Rayna Greenberg.