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Building A Ghostwriting Business (BUSINESS)


Building A Ghostwriting Business (BUSINESS)

FromJoin Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)


Building A Ghostwriting Business (BUSINESS)

FromJoin Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

50 minutes
Feb 4, 2019
Podcast episode


Today’s guest has built his business by bringing the worlds desire for published success onto the book shelves of the world, against staying on their pc’s as unfinished masterpieces. As he says “If you’re like most of my clients, you know SO much about your topic that you don’t know where to start, what to put where, and how to tie it all together into something people actually want to buy. Book publishing is worth $120 BILLION globally. The industry rewards preparation—not motivation. I’m a Ghostwriter. AKA, a professional book writer who captures an author’s voice, helps you hone your ideas so they’re publishing-ready, and polishes the hidden gems in your manuscript…all without injecting my own opinions or views into your book. On top of that, I’m the first and only Ghostwriter on the planet to use writing analytics software (Stylometric Analysis) to capture and authentically recreate an author voice. When we partner on your book, we’ll get your ideas on paper in your voice. So is a book a vital part of the business branding, or just pandering to the entrepreneurs ego? And where do most people go wrong when trying to do this themselves, the writing or the actual process of marketing the book? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Joshua Lisec. Show Highlights During the show we discuss such major topics with Joshua such as: Joshua shares how his dream in college was to be a published author, which has led him after turning down many opportunities to help the world get published. We talk about the “stay in your lane” advice that so many people get given in their lives which is a crock. You dont just drive in a straight line, so why should your life be that way? How the talent stack is one of the most powerful concepts that you can bring into your life. Join up your strengths and passions and make something unique. Why it take as much effort to sell a $50,000 product as it does a $50 product. So ramp up your prices, and provide the right value to
Feb 4, 2019
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Hugely Popular, top rated entrepreneur business podcast the Join Up Dots show inspired by Steve Jobs, is full of amazing, inspiring online and off success stories and career content. A motivation packed show created for the entrepreneurs, wanting to become the best and grab business success, adventure, money, freedom and dreams too. In fact anyone with mindfulness searching for financial freedom, but unsure of the career path to take will love this show, as David Ralph delivers entrepreneurial business advice direct to your eardrums on every episode. Each guest enters into a free flowing conversation filled with humor, motivation, inspiration and powerful stories of success as they look back over their life, and in the words of the master entrepreneur Steve Jobs...join the dots that has led them to their own area of business or lifestyle success.