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34 minutes
Jan 12, 2008
Podcast episode


Episode 54 - What do I do with my heart? (part 2)Church people many
times give good manerd advice say "Just Trust God" Or "Just Repent and you'll be
fine!" WHAT DOES THAT MEAN! Another year should I do another resolution?
Has anyone really been in my shoes? Has any one felt how I feel, stuck in
this prison of habitual sin. How do I get to real heart change? Can Jesus
really help me? Or is that just more religion and psychology? So what do I do with my heart? Over
coming sexual addiction is no walk in the park!
Jan 12, 2008
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Attitudes of sexual integrity! With host Russ Shaw! How do we find deliverance and victory if we have tried and failed so many times? Russ walks you through some realistic steps toward REAL freedom with what 13 years of podcasting on this subject can teach us about the attitudes approaches, regrets and disciplines of people who arrive at true, lasting freedom. This show is produced from a Christian perspective but don't let that scare you. If you have a problem with Christians I don't blame you! Experience a deeper journey toward freedom for yourself and the ones your life impacts.